How to make plain Paratha


  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Vegetable Oil for cooking or Ghee


Add flour and salt in a large bowl, adding little water at a time to make soft, pliable dough.

Knead dough until it is smooth, firm and elastic.

Add 1 teaspoon oil to coat the dough and knead little more.

Set aside covered for 15 minutes. Make lemon sized balls and roll them out thin to approximately 3 inches in diameter. Note tossing the dough in dry flour while rolling will prevent it from getting sticky when rolling them out.

Put ¼ teaspoon oil and spread it on the rolled dough. We need to get a triangle shape, to do so, first fold into a semi-circle, then fold the semi-circle into half again. You get a mini triangle shape. If you cannot do the triangle shape don’t mind you can do it in a round shape also.

Now toss it in some flour and roll out the triangle to make a bigger triangle.

Put the rolled parathas on the hot griddle/skillet. Cook for about ½ a minute or as you see little bubbles coming up, flip over and add 1 teaspoon of ghee in and around the paratha.

Lightly press the parathas while on the skillet so the dough gets cooked

Flip and cook the other side for about ½ a minute. Cook until light golden spots appear on the parathas and lightly crisp

Paratha is ready to serve with curd or bhaji, pickles.


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