Luck and Labour.

Luck and labour very important in the life, without labour you can not archive anything in your life and in the same time if you have no luck ! labour will not enough in your life.
Sometime we are giving all the effort in our work and waiting for the results but we are forgetting one thing that even we will do so much labour in our life luck is very important in the life.
It was a very good story about one guy who has done everything in his life but he was never satisfied with him self because he could not reach his goal cause he was waiting for his luck and luck was not on his fever.
One day he has attempted to do suicide and luck was not with him and he was dieing with the suicide attempted.
But i am thinking that suicide is the baddest way to finish the life, god has given you wonderful life make your life good and enjoyable! May be your luck is waiting for you.


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