Happy buddha purnima

Buddha Purnima which is also called Buddha Jayanti is the most important festivals of Buddhists. Buddha Purnima is celebrated in memory of birth of Lord Buddha. It is celebrated on the Purnima or full moon day in the Hindu month of Vaisakha. Buddha Purnima is celebrated to commemorate

Some people consider Lord Buddha as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Gautama Buddha’s had thousands of followers. He travelled to many countries along with his followers spreading Buddhist religion. Simplicity in his teaching attracted rich and poor alike.

Important events in life Lord Buddha occurred on the same day and the day is Buddha Purnima. Buddha Purnima is the anniversary of Lord Buddha, his enlightenment and his nirvana. This make the day all more sacred for the followers of Buddha.

Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha as he was called on his birth was born in 563 BC. He was born as the prince of prosperous kingdom Lumbini, which is now in Nepal. He belonged to Sakya dynasty. As a child he grew up in luxury. He was kept away from the harsh realities of life. He married a beautiful woman and had a son. Gautama Buddha is believed to have exceptional physical appearance.

When Gautama Buddha was in his twenties, he happened to witness an old man, a diseased person and a dead body. He now came to know about old age, illness and death. This completely changed Gautama Buddha and he started living in forests with ascetics. He could not get the enlightenment what he was seeking.

One day he was sitting under a fig tree in Bodhgaya. After 49 days of continuous meditation he could understand what he was seeking and when he arose he was enlightened. From that day he started preaching what he understood to people who sought his advice. His disciples spread his teaching by word of mouth, from generation to generation. Buddha died of an illness caused by eating Sukara-Maddavam which was prepared for him by a lady.


  1. Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy 'means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as: https://unexploredbuddhistmonuments.com/


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